Feeling unmotivated :(

Each morning last week I had a hard time getting going and working out. I thought this lack of motivation was because I wasn’t feeling great due to PMS. Well, that should be passing me by but this week – the fourth week of my more intense workout regime (and better eating) has been tough too.

I am frustrated. I’m not obese but would like to lose 15 pounds (maybe even 20 if my body will let me). I have been working really hard and I’m not seeing great results. I know, I know… It takes years to put on the weight (and a twin pregnancy) and it takes time to get rid of the weight… Muscle weighs more than fat… It’s harder to lose weight as you get older (I’m forty-something)… Blah, blah, blah… I’ve heard it all but it’s still frustrating. I have lost a couple of pounds in the 3.5 weeks of this intense workout schedule. I have been working out 6 days a week during this timeframe and they are intense workouts – sweat and all. Some days I have even done two workouts adding on a hike, heavy duty walk or another workout video. I do feel stronger. I know there is some muscle in my core now but I’m frustrated by seeing the flab on top of the muscle still. I want visible results!

Now! (as my toddlers would say)

I know how this goes… We get motivated to exercise because we know we need it and it will do us good. Then we don’t see results fast enough so our self-talk suggests the exercise is not working and there is no point in doing it. It’s much easier not to exercise. Let’s just sit on the sofa and watch the terrible shows on TV and let our brains turn to mush so we don’t realize how horrible we feel.

Despite the challenge to get motivated last week I pushed through and did my workouts and always felt better afterward. And, so far this week I have been doing the same. I would like to up the ante and exercise longer and harder but time, energy and kids keep me from doing that. This frustration from not seeing as much of a result as I would like at this point is working against me too. Why is my body not responding? I have been watching what I eat in addition to working out. Portion control. Staving off my chocolate cravings (ooh, what I wouldn’t do to eat some serious chocolate right now!). Trying to eat whole foods, natural foods, less processed stuff, sticking with chicken, meat, fish, veggies, and fruit. Isn’t that what we are supposed to do??? Do I really need to consult a professional and show them a list of every item I put in my mouth to figure this out? Grrr, I’m frustrated! I can’t possibly be working this hard and avoiding chocolate like this for nothing. I better see some results and SOON!

So yesterday I came across this article that talks about motivating yourself and self-talk and here it is for reference and to remind myself to stop saying, ‘I’m not seeing results’ and start saying ‘results will come; be patient.’ And, to remind myself that I feel stronger and I can feel some muscle underneath this flab and someday, somehow this flab will disappear and I’ll feel even better.


And now I’m going to workout…

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